Thursday, January 30, 2014


Today's notes:
1. Props are fun too!
2. I want to start Tumblr soon.
3. Snow day in Georgia has no snow
4. Fell in love with K-pop recently

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hide and Seek

Done! yay!
I know I will get tons of notes and will fix tons later but I am done for now.
It was a fun painting. If someone gives me a job like this, I wouldn't even call that a job. haha.
Starting another painting..

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Background I am working on now 
Characters will be added soon (you can kinda see the trace under the pharaoh sculptures hehe)

Saturday, January 11, 2014


I am taking a motion media class this quarter and we have to have something move on after effects pretty much. So I wanted to make something that looks like a scene from a short film. The light's going to move (hopefully), people will pass by and the train will be moving....
haha, oh well, hopefully it will work well in the end.